Sunday, November 30, 2014

Gummy Bear Lab

Britney Montalvo                                                December 1, 2014
H:18                                                                    Chemistry*

                                   Gummy Bear Lab
 *What do you think will happen to a gummy bear if you leave it in water overnight?
I think that the gummy bear's size will expand, because it is absorbing the water in the container.


Bear color                 length                width                thickness        volume         mass     density   1- Peach                     2.2cm              1.3cm            1.1cm                   3.15cm3      2.3cm3  .76cm3
2- Clear                      3.2cm              .2cm                 .2cm                12.8cm3     8.9cm3   .69cm3
Amount of change     1cm                   7cm                  9cm                  9.65cm3     6.6cm3    .07cm3
3-                               3.5cm                2cm                  2.3cm               16.1cm3      7.5cm3    .47cm3

Throughout day one the water was at 50 and the second day was 40. The third day stayed the same as day 2.


1. Was your hypothesis correct?
    Yes, because my gummy bear did expand in size.

2. What change is greater - volume or mass?
    Volume, because the measurements changed.

3. Was there a change in density?
    Yes, the bear absorbed a lot of water. Therefore the bear got heavier.

4. How do your results compare to those of your classmates?
    My bear came out with a heavier mass and we all started with different sized gummy bears.

5. State the results of the day 2-3 salt water test.
    length- 2.2cm width- 1.3cm  thickness- 1cm  volume- 2.86cm3

6. Look specifically at the volume. Explain changes based on your measurements.
    The changes would be that the volume is lower than the gummy bear in regular water, and not salt water.

7. How would you change the lab to test another variable? 
    I would have tried to leave it inside of alcohol, soda, and juice. Just to see what would have happened. I would have also put the gummy bear into a different temperature water (hot water).

8. The biological process used during this lab would be osmosis. Osmosis is being occurred because in osmosis a less concentrated solution is turned into a more concentrated one. The gummy bear lab is using osmosis because the gummy bear was in a much simpler form and a small size. After leaving the gummy bear into the water over night the bear turns into a bigger gummy bear. Osmosis is used especially in the size of the gummy bear. Not only size but the mass and the length. The gummy grew into a way bigger and heavier bear, than when it came from its original package. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Britney Montalvo                                              November 4, 2014

H:18                                                                  Chemistry*
Data Table
Chemical Compounds:
Element Symbols:
Barium Chloride
BaCl2  Normal flame color
Calcium Chloride
 CaCl2 Orange 
Lithium Chloride
LiCl  Pink/violet
Potassium Chloride
 KCl Blue
Sodium Chloride
 NaCl Orange/Yellow
Strontium Chloride
SrCl2  Red
Dry Ice
 CO2 Solid white substance

Analysis Questions

1) The three indicators that determined chemical change was the color, size, and movement of the flames.

2) Something that is emitted when a chemical change takes place in the flame test is the color change.

3) The group of elements on the periodic table would be Alkali metal and Earth Alkali metals.

4) The only two elements that give the same spectrum of color would be Sodium Chloride and Potassium Chloride. They both gave off a yellow orange type of look.

5) The catalyst in the flame test experiment would be the heat, the flames.

6) One potential disadvantage would be the amount of time the color stays in the flame, so each person is forced to be alert. I would change the order in which we had to view the colors.

Critical Thinking 

In a crime scene the flame test can be useful because the flame test can be used to determine metal elements inside of water. Also, when the water is vaporized the metals and what is on the metals occur. Therefore, someones' fingerprints can show on the metal that is being studied at the moment, during the flame. Also, it can confirm which type of metal was used and it will help determine which weapon contains a certain element and lead to suspect of the crime.